Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pretty Pirouette

I grew up dancing at Westside Studio and this weekend I volunteered at their end of the year performance the "Defile" (parade of dancers). After one night I decided that I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take some pictures of these cute dancers. They are absolutely precious! No other words can describe them. It was interesting working with them and trying to catch them being their cute selves without getting the strange looks they gave me. So here are some that turned out :)

The tutus are itchy!

One of my favorites! She is a doll:


  1. Soo.. I saw these photos and totally fell in love!! They are soo adorable.. Reminded me of something that I saw today, and so I wrote about it in my blog.. And hope you dont mind that I posted your pictures with my little story.. You can check it out, I even put a link to your blog here so they can see all your wonderful photography!! I love the field of sunflowers! Where did you come across those? They are amazing!

  2. It was actually at Westside Studio's Defile that I took these back in May! I read your story and I completely understand what you mean...those girls are adorable! They completely melt my heart in their pink little tutus :) That's a neat experience. I'm glad you like the photography... I love doing it!
